Hot Vax Summer!

Hot Vax Summer!

HOT VAX SUMMER! IT’S JULY ALREADY! ARE YOU READY TO GET OUT THERE TO FIND LOVE?A friend of mine is still hanging out on her couch after having her heart crushed years ago. YEARS AGO! I’m sad for her, but she’s “not ready.” There is no...
Dating Your Twin?

Dating Your Twin?

Esther Perel stresses regarding long-term relationships that we still need surprise and mystery to keep the relationship alive. It’s intriguing, which is how we felt when first got to know each other. Intrigue.Is dating someone who shares ALL of your interests a...
How to be Extremely Desirable

How to be Extremely Desirable

HOW TO BE EXTREMELY DESIRABLEWe know when a cab is available. Its light is turned on. 🚕💡Lightening bugs create a lovely spectacle with phosphorescence when they’re ‘on.’ We see flashes of yellow light flickering on and off around dusk.Heidi looked to...